President's Message

Eng. K P I U Dharmapala
Dear members of the institution, Staff of the IESL secretariat and readers,
I am honored and flattered to address you all as the president of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka for the first time through the IESL newsletter, Sri Lanka Engineering News (SLEN). As the tradition dictates, I would like to dedicate the initial presidents corner to recap some of the content from my speech delivered at the AGM of the institution for the session 2019 2020.
IESL being the apex engineering body in the country, needs to play a leading role in affairs related to creation of Policies and Plans at the National level for the development of our motherland, Sri Lanka.
Today I am assuming duties as the 115th President of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka for the session 2020 2021. I believe that becoming the President of our prestigious institution is the pinnacle one can reach as proud engineers of this country. I also believe that the mandate given to hold the presidency of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka where the membership is our engineering professionals, is the highest honor bestowed on me by our membership. While I take this opportunity to offer my sincere and humble gratitude to all of you for electing me to such a prestigious position, I wish to assure you that I would safeguard the trust and responsibility you have placed on me. I look forward to the unstinted support of all of you in my endeavors to lead this institution to even higher levels. I also believe that you will acknowledge the fact that without your valuable support and contributions it will be a difficult task for me to properly discharge the responsibilities and duties of this supreme institution which is considered ancestral home of yours and mine. In this respect I am always prepared to give an ear without any hesitation to the productive views and ideas of each and every one of you. I would welcome the views and advices of all the Past Presidents without any hesitation and I shall consider all of them as my advisors.
I wish to render the following services for the next session. In this respect I earnestly solicit the unstinted support of all of you on behalf of the IESL.
I strongly believe Engineers should actively engage more in addressing National issues in a wider context. In this regard I intend making ourselves available to the decision makers in formulating National Policies especially in the areas of Transportation, Construction, Energy, Education etc.
I would extend my support to uplift the standing of engineers in the society. I will strive to help uplift the Institution to continue to be the hub for engineers of all ages and intend to lend a helping hand especially for young engineers to further their career which in turn will enable them to contribute towards the development of the country. Encourage towards more invention, innovation and entrepreneurship among young members who would enjoy taking on challenges.
I shall endeavour to make the IESL secretariat to be even more member oriented, efficient, focused and productive. Systems and processes of IESL shall be reviewed and established. This will attract the majority of members who now maintain a distant relationship with IESL to actively join in the affairs of the Institution.
Another priority of mine will be the development of Provincial Chapters and the Overseas Chapters of the Institution to address their needs. Collaborate effectively with IESL District Centres and Provincial Overseas Chapters to dynamically involve these under IESL umbrella.
With my experience as the Chairman Education Committee over the two consecutive sessions I shall look to strengthen the quality and relevance of the Engineering Education nationally and uplift the Continuing Professional Development of our members with the expertise in this area of our Members in academia and Industry by collating the best of both.
Improve the quality and standards of PR process and promote young members to become Corporate Members of the Institution by nurturing them to improve their technical competencies, professional skills, values and ethics.
We all are volunteers to achieve these common goals as one team. There may be disagreements or different views amongst us but this does not mean it should result in conflicts. It is only when we as one unit openly and frankly discuss the various issues to arrive at common conclusions. It is only then that we as one cohesive unit will be able to move our Institution from strength to strength.
Thank you very much.
Eng. K P I U Dharmapala
President (2020 2021)